Kids Update:
It has been a long time since I have posted. Coincidence or not, I stopped once school started! Things have been very busy at the Lichtie house. Zach is playing basketball and baseball. He has basketball practice two times per week and games on some Sundays. Baseball starts on Saturday again for the season. I am helping to coach Zach's basketball team and I love it! It feels good to be back on the court again. Emma decided to join Girl Scouts this year and is still dancing. She is taking Jazz/Hip Hop and practices on Saturdays.
CVS Update:
I am afraid to say this out loud, but Emma's CVS is under control at this time! She hasn't had a cycle since early May! We still have her on anti-nausea medication twice per day. She is a different kiddo on that medication! While we feel that we have her cycles under control, she still has some work to do mentally. She won't go to places that she felt sick or got sick at. She won't wear clothes again that she got sick in. She still worries that she will get sick. Hopefully over time that will get better!
I didn't believe it until now:
I have always read or heard overweight people say they feel mistreated or ignored by society. I never understood that since I can't imagine treating others differently due to their weight. I didn't believe it until now. I have gained weight and have witnessed this change first hand. I haven't been mistreated to my face, but I know that it has been talked about behind my back. "Has she gained weight?" "Wow, she looks so different." I have felt ignored by society. It is like people don't see you. They look at you briefly but quickly look away. I know this is my fault, I know that I have to get control of my body again. I want my children to be proud of me. I want to be seen and respected by everyone. I want to be in pictures again. It is up to me and only me.....
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Hopeful - Living with CVS
While we were in Florida Emma was such a trooper and really surprised me. She rarely complained of being too hot or feeling sick. During the week prior to our trip we did visit her doctor to discuss medications she was on. At that time her anxiety medication was increased, we decided to continue to treat acid reflux with over the counter medication and we were given Zofran to help treat her nausea for the length of our trip. Once back from our trip Emma has had a few times of feeling nauseous and it just breaks my heart. Since moms never stop fighting I started to do some research on Zofran. I found that it is used and prescribed often for adults and children for many different reasons. I quickly decided to contact Emma's doctor and ask if this is something we could continue to use for Emma on a daily basis. She was just a different girl on vacation and I would love to make her that comfortable all the time! Our doctor agreed and has prescribed the medication for Emma!!! I am so hopeful that this may do the trick for our baby girl!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Finding Comfort in Each Other
The storms woke me up this morning around 3:30. All I heard was a few rumbles of thunder at that time. The bigger storm rolled through around 5:30. I was wide awake! I kept looking at the door of our bedroom waiting to see which head would pop in first, Zach or Emma. After laying in bed until my alarm woke me up, I was shocked thinking that they both had slept through the storm! After my shower I noticed that Emma wasn't in her room. I peeked on Zach and found Emma on his floor sound asleep! She went in by him because she was scared. It truly warms my heart how much Emma needs her big brother. (I will admit that part of me was sad that Emma didn't need me!) Even though they fight sometimes, it was sure nice to see them finding comfort in each other.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Memories of my childhood
We found the prefect place in our yard today to make a fort. I remember as a kid I liked to find neat hideouts or tucked away spaces where friends would hang out. Joe and Kate were over and they helped start the fort process. I quickly found out that kids aren't as creative as we were. They looked to me to tell them what to do. I encouraged them to use what was around them, be creative, and explore! I wish that my kids could have the childhood I had. Riding bikes to friends houses, playing ghost in the graveyard, and kick the can. We didn't come inside until we had to, and even then we begged for more time!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
He have had a pretty low key day today. We headed to Hobby Lobby where Emma got fabric to make her own green screen. Her creativity and use of technology amazes me every day. Then Kate and Joe came over to play. Kate and Zach are so much alike. They spent time playing basketball together. Emma and Joe put their creativity to good use with her new green screen. Tonight Emma is sleeping over at Mimi and Papa's with Joe!
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Zach tinkering with his bike! |
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Emma getting the news that she can sleep over! |
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Down Time
We have returned safely from our amazing trip to Disney World! I can't even begin to share how much fun we had. We certainly created some great memories! We are certainly very tired from our trip. There isn't much relaxing on a Disney World trip! Today I caught a rare moment of Zach and Emma getting along and playing LEGOs together. The LEGOs have been packed away for a few months but I think the trip to LEGOland re-sparked their interest! I love the creativity and thought that each puts into their LEGO creations!
Friday, June 19, 2015
Magical Days
Yesterday and today were such magical days! We went to Epcot yesterday and had a great time. The kids loved riding Spaceship Earth. The park was easy to navigate and not very crowded. We ended the day watching the light show over the lagoon. It was amazing! Today we spent about 7 hours at Magic Kingdom. We rode several rides and all agree that the Winnie Poo ride was one of the best! The feels like temperature was about 105 degrees. Very hot and humid. We were back at our condo in time for dinner. We will be spending another day at this park on Sunday!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
First Family Vacation
We have done several overnight trips as a family but this is our first official big trip! We woke up early and told the kiddos that today was the day we were leaving. They were super excited. We arrived at the airport and everything went really smoothly. We boarded the plane and the ride was pretty good. I was super nervous of course, Zach said it was okay and Emma LOVED it! She is our brave little girl! When we arrived in Orlando we got our luggage, headed to our rental car and made it to our hotel. We finally had dinner and went grocery shopping. We are staying in a three bedroom, three bathroom, full kitchen condo. It is super nice! The kids ended their exciting day with a quick swim in the pool! I am so excited about what great things we will experience together on our first family vacation!
Monday, June 15, 2015
Hello Summer!
Summer has officially begun! I wish the weather would have been more summer-like. I did like the humidity though! The kids have certainly enjoyed the pool despite the rainy weather. The water is way too cold for me! So far the kids are still not sure of when we are leaving for Disney. Zach has predicted Thursday and Emma thinks Wednesday. I am still hoping to wake them up and surprise them on the day we are leaving. Enjoy the simple joys of summer!
Saturday, June 13, 2015
They Just Need Each Other
It is finally summer! At least that is what the calendar says. Unfortunately the weather isn't exactly what I consider 'summery'! We are getting ready for Disney by doing some last minute shopping and making sure we have all that we will need for our trip. We are getting very excited. I am, however, very afraid to fly. I have only flown twice before and I didn't enjoy it either time. I have my meds and am hoping that will help get me on the plane. The moment captured above is very rare it seems these days. They tend to argue and disagree about everything but there are moments when mom and dad just aren't good enough and they just need each other.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Did Someone Say 'Disney"?
We are getting ready for our first big vacation as a family. We are headed to DISNEY!!! We leave shortly after school gets out and we can't wait. Emma and Papa were caught reading a Disney book and talking about all the great things we will see and do there! The kids know that we are going sometime after school gets out, but they don't know what day. I am hoping to keep it a secret until the morning we are leaving! (I am doing this to keep Emma's excitement at bay so she doesn't get sick!) Here's to planning, shopping, organizing, packing, and making dreams come true!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
I don't ask for much from my family. Just simple things like always be kind to each other, clean up your messes, don't fight, quit complaining, be quiet sometimes and LEAVE MY TAPE ALONE!!! Seriously, every time I need tape the one that is kept safely in the drawer is ALWAYS gone! Usually Emma is to blame. I am not quite sure what she does with all the tape. Does she tape her dolls up? Is she making clothing out of it? Is she making a tape ladder to escape? Who knows! What is the one item that you can never seem to find when you need it?
Monday, June 8, 2015
The End is Near
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Painting stepping stones for hopscotch in our classroom garden! |
The end of the school year is near. I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. This time of year always brings mixed emotions. While I am exhausted and may just loose it if I hear 'Mrs. Lichtie' one more time, I can't believe my time with these 30 kids is nearly over. While I don't want to correct one more assignment or plan one more lesson, I don't feel like I have had enough time with them. While I am tired of working through discipline issues with the same kids, I worry that next years teacher won't know what works and how to get 'those' kids to do what you need them to do. I feel like 'my kids' have come such a long way! We have laughed, dance, played, learned, and maybe even cried together. I have been their protector and leader all year. I am ready to let them fly on their own, but will miss each and every one.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Living with CVS
Living with CVS sucks. Our sweet Emma had another episode last night. She knew she was going to get sick. It is so sad when we are so proud that she made it to the bathroom and even held her own hair back. I never thought I would be so proud of my daughter for that. Her everyday worries are constantly on my mind. I hate that an 8 year old has to worry about when she will be sick again. No one should have to worry about that. Sometimes her syndrome changes our plan for the day. Sometimes we have to pre-plan or be extra aware of how she is feeling. It is exhausting and difficult. She shared with me tonight how she worries all the time. I just wish I could take those worries away for her.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Remember Caboodles?
I wasn't sure what I would capture today. It was nearing the end of the day and I still didn't have 'that' moment caught yet. I heard Emma get out of the shower and after getting her pajamas on she went back into the bathroom to brush her teeth. I thought maybe I could capture something there. As I walked in I caught the image above. She had her caboodle open, her hair wrapped in a towel and a smile on her face. I got my moment!
Friday, June 5, 2015
Happy Anniversary
Today Justin and I celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. I am still in shock that I have found someone who loves me unconditionally and puts up with all my flaws (and I have plenty). We have weathered many storms over the years and I know that there will be many more ahead of us. We have also been blessed to enjoy so many simple and amazing moments in life. I am in awe of the man I call my husband. He is a hard worker, great father, strong shoulder to lean on, my best friend and so much more. He makes me a better mom and wife. I am grateful and excited with what our future may hold! I love you!
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Things that make her mad
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Emma eating cotton candy, listening to music and watching Zach play baseball. |
Emma was not happy that we had a night of baseball planned. She was so upset at me after school, she even turned on the tears. She really didn't want to go sit and watch Zach play.....again! And of course the game was over three hours long with extra innings. (I did leave after about 2 hours and 45 minutes with her.) As I was driving home I was thinking of some of the things that make my 8 year old mad.
*Going to baseball
*Cleaning her room
*Doing laundry
*Putting dishes in the dishwasher
*Picking up toys
*Putting away her clothes that have been left out after trying on 6 outfits
*Doing homework (sometimes)
*Going grocery shopping
As I think about this list....all but the first one makes me mad too!
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
A True Friend
What is a true friend? I have had the privilege to figure this out over the last few years with my teaching partner. A true friend is someone who always listens to you. They offer their shoulder to lean on or cry on. A true friend can finish your sentences and knows your every thought. A true friend is excited for you when you have reason to celebrate. They don't judge you and like you for who you are, not what others want you to be. A true friend only comes along once in awhile and I feel so blessed to have found mine.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Why I Teach
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Monday, June 1, 2015
I Love My Boys
My boys and their toys. Zach is watching baseball on my old phone while lounging in his bed. This is how we find him many nights after school or after playing outside. He loves his room. I feel like overnight he went from always being around me playing with toys to closing his door and hanging in his room. Sometimes I wish I could go back to when he was little. (Notice I said, sometimes!) I love all the new things we are experiencing with him but I do miss those simpler times when toys on the living room floor entertained him for hours. I have fond memories of playing with blocks, puzzles, trains and Star Wars a lot! Justin is relaxing and watching the Brewer's. He worked hard in the yard today. (He planted all three trees!) I love my boys!
Sunday, May 31, 2015
In Memory of
Justin and I have lost many of our grandparents over the last several years. Between the two of us we only have both my grandma's still living. We were so blessed to have many of them in our lives for so long. Since moving to our new home almost two years ago we haven't done much planting but we have been talking about planting trees in memory of our grandparents that have passed. So today we purchased three Arbovitae to plant in our yard. One for Justin's Grandma and Grandpa Kremin, one for my Grandpa Tio and one for my Grandpa Brimmer. I hope to add a stone or rock by each with their names on them. (I sense a craft project coming on here!)
Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Emma and her cousin Kate! |
Another amazing joy in my life is watching Emma dance. She has danced for five years at Liberty Dance and has grown so much as a dancer. I couldn't stop smiling as I watched her dance today. Two years ago she had to miss her recital due to her being so sick (pre tonsil removal) and I remember during her hospital stays Justin and I just praying she could feel better and be a 'normal' little girl. I am so thankful and beyond words for how blessed we are. I pray for those families out there that have children that can't experience 'normal' due to illness or other circumstances. Hug your babies extra tight and give them an extra kiss at bedtime. Live in the moment and embrace the simple joys in life!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Not sure what to think
Emma was playing school the other day and this was the anchor chart she made. While we are very proud of her list and beautiful colors I can't help but think about the content. Testing has become such a big deal in education that it is becoming part of a child's 'play' time. Just not sure what to think about that.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
I am a Baseball Mom
I am officially a baseball mom. My schedule revolves around games and practices. I am becoming a pro at dressing for whatever weather may come my way. The morning game may be freezing but if that sun comes out it can get pretty hot. The back of my van has a baseball bag, chairs, blankets, umbrellas and maybe a few empty Gatorade bottles. I am a baseball mom. I have the weather app always at my finger tips on game days keeping an eye on the radar. My diet consists of hot dogs, soda, nachos, subs or pb&j. I cheer for our team and sadly I am excited when the other team makes a mistake. When else in life do we wish for that? I am a baseball mom. I wouldn't change who or what I am. I am blessed and enjoying every moment.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Summer is coming!
Have you ever had one of those days when you are just in a funk? Today was that day for me. I just couldn't shake it all day. I can tell that summer is coming as my students are about ready to literally climb the classroom walls (you don't believe me, but this group would climb them if allowed!) My best friend and teaching buddy is packing up and moving to a new grade (that will be addressed in a future post), and we had our last writing assessment today. It seemed that everywhere I turned I was facing something unpleasant or sad. The highlight of my day was seeing our fifth grade students perform their musical Annie! It was amazing! A true sign of summer in our house is bare feet and sandals by the back door which I happened to catch today so maybe summer is really almost here!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Doctor's Orders!
When we were at the clinic talking to Emma's CVS doctor a week ago, I had to answer some questions about Emma. Two of the questions stood out to me as odd, meaning I didn't understand the connection to CVS. The first question was in regards to how Emma handles the heat. Emma is not a fan of heat and doesn't like being outside too long when it is hot. Well....the doctor shared with me some very technical information and stats about how CVS and low heat tolerance were connected. I didn't understand much of the technical stuff but I certainly understood when he said, "A pool for Emma would be a great idea!" Well, we found a great deal on those free standing ones and we caved and got it this past weekend. Emma and Zach love it! I think we made a good decision and who are we to question a doctor's orders!
Monday, May 25, 2015
Today was a great day to remember and thank those that have served and protected our country. The weather was beautiful and as the kids played in the water I couldn't help but think about what a great country we live in. It was also fitting that today I finished painting the stripes on our large pallet flag. Last step is the stars! Thankful for our freedom and the simple joys of life!
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Kids being Kids
There was no way I could pick just one picture today! I used my ultra zoom lens to capture the photo of Emma. I was just clicking away and got that shot! I think her RC car collided with Zach's car. OH NO! Zach was tinkering with his RC car and shot some hoops tonight. While baseball is Zach's first love he really likes basketball too! Today was a good day to do some shopping and crafting. I finished the hot air balloon craft and have started working on an American flag pallet. Sorry this wasn't an exciting post - just the daily life of me!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Regular Saturday
Today was a beautiful day. We have been waiting months for the weather to improve and these last few days have been just amazing. Today was a regular Saturday for us. The only thing we had scheduled was dance practice. I took advantage of a lazy day and started a craft. I am not sure where it will go or what I am doing with it but I am excited to see how it looks when I am all done. Let's just say it involves three dimensional hot air balloons and lots of color! I also took some time to read and enjoy the sunny weather. I always look forward to the summer when I can read so much more! Simple joys of today: crafting, reading, watching Emma dance, watching Zach and Justin play catch and sunshine!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Simple Joys
I missed yesterday due to a very late baseball game. Zach's team won 17-2 and he pitched an amazing three innings! I read this quote recently, "Pausing to delight in the simple joys of everyday life is the only way to truly live." I need this reminder often. Days go by so quickly and I am working towards slowing down and appreciating the small moments in life. Too many times I am worrying about what is coming up next, or worrying about things that I can't change. Tonight I took a moment to appreciate the small things. Emma's beautiful smile, Zach being goofy and his first grilling lesson. These are the moments we never get back and they go by so quickly. So pause and enjoy the simple things each and every day.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Teacher in the making
This photo captures so many of Emma's loves. She loves to read and plays 'teacher' in her bedroom all the time! I would be very proud if that were the path she choose in life! Notice the bitty baby doll in the large teddy bears lap? I think that will forever be in Emma's life. She got her years ago when we went to Chicago for the first time as a family. She was one happy girl! As we were walking back to the hotel she was in her stroller and holding so tightly onto her American Girl bag. Time goes so fast. I pray for life to slow down and try to remind myself to cherish every moment!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
First Mistake Ever!
I had a hard time choosing a favorite picture today so there are two! I feel like Emma's eyes are telling me a story in this picture. I can only imagine what her story would be. The picture of Zach shows him in all his glory. He is playing catch with his dad! This is his favorite thing to do!
Hoping for some warmer weather to stick around soon. It feels like November outside! We had Emma's dance pictures tonight that we almost missed. I had down that they were at 6:00 but received a text from my sister asking me where I was at 5:15, pictures were at 5:00?? We made it to the studio just in time for her to get her pictures taken. She looked beautiful. My first mistake ever!
Monday, May 18, 2015
First Picture
I am attempting to take a picture a day for the summer. Here is my first one! Emma has been battling CVS (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome) for a couple of years now. Today we returned to her GI doctor in order to see if there is more or something different we can do to help her. We are going to start a new over the counter vitamin called CoQ10. This will hopefully help her heat tolerance and her stamina. If we get that under control there is a new medicine we may try in the fall to help with her CVS and anxiety. (Right now we just treat her anxiety thinking that may in turn help her CVS.) This photo captures her beautifully. My sweet girl, I will keep fighting and searching for answers to help you feel better.
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