Monday, June 8, 2015

The End is Near

Painting stepping stones for hopscotch in our classroom garden!

The end of the school year is near.  I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel.  This time of year always brings mixed emotions.  While I am exhausted and may just loose it if I hear 'Mrs. Lichtie' one more time, I can't believe my time with these 30 kids is nearly over.  While I don't want to correct one more assignment or plan one more lesson, I don't feel like I have had enough time with them.  While I am tired of working through discipline issues with the same kids, I worry that next years teacher won't know what works and how to get 'those' kids to do what you need them to do.  I feel like 'my kids' have come such a long way!  We have laughed, dance, played, learned, and maybe even cried together.  I have been their protector and leader all year.  I am ready to let them fly on their own, but will miss each and every one.  

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